
Bay Area Coyote

Welcome to your one stop shop for information about coyote conservation, research, and management in the Bay Area, California.

Help us to foster human-coyote coexistence in the region by reporting your coyote sightings. Every contribution is valuable.


The coyote is one of the most ubiquitous and resilient species on the planet, successfully living alongside people even in urban areas. The Bay Area hosts a healthy population of coyotes, and there are thus ongoing, multi-agency efforts to monitor our interactions with this fascinating, ecologically-important species. Research, community engagement, and proactive management are all key to fostering human-coyote coexistence.

Reporting your coyote sightings is critical to this effort. Join us!

Who We Are


East Bay Regional Park District, National Park Service, San Francisco Animal Care and Control, SF Recreation & Parks, and more


Researchers from UC Davis, UC Berkeley, California Academy of Sciences, UC Santa Cruz

photo: Supercarwaar

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